A Refreshing New Year's Morning

It's refreshing New Year's Morning.
Frost columns stand. The Bracing air is refreshing.
The dawn sun over roofs of the houses beyond the garden.
In an instant it has risen. The light is simply dazzling.

Let's seek the light, facing it, then turning one's back, take action.
Let's "do the work", as if the time has come, and as a matter of course, the world is filled with light.

Let's "work to do".

Be a person who has both warmth of shadow and dazzle of light.
Feel happiness, surrounded by light.

Things change moment by moment.
The only truth is constant change,
Savor there instants of change.

And, then, "Warmth"

In the mean time the sun has risen instantly, and the whole forest is filled with light.

What a reality!

A nice "awakening" at the beginning of the year.

1st January, 2008
at Tokyo
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