The importance of Loosening

Since last year, I had so many problems in a raw. One was of course about my violin seized at Frankfurt airport and difficult discussions with the lawyers and the custom. I had to deal with foreign languages all the time. And I also found it such a struggle to bring out nice sound out of the violin I temporally borrowed. After succeeding in making it sound alright, I experienced some change again because my violin was returned to me… It felt like my body was divided into 5 parts and then into 3 parts, finally the year changed to 2013 with some parts of my body twisted awkwardly.

Master Roy said "the pressure in the shoulder won't go away".

Master Kaneko said "you've used the first thoracic vertebra so much this year".

The new year 2013 arrived…

3 generations of my family enjoyed a relaxing stroll along the river at the start of the year. My children were expecting to going to the bargain sale later on, but for the moment we enjoyed breathing in the clear air. The first day of the year was blessed with the blue sky where egrets and other wild birds flied. I saw the origin of the Japanese scenery.

I played the violin after Katsugen-Kai (dojo of regeneration) on the 3rd of January.

When I checked the sound and the layout of the place in the morning, it was very cold and dry. The prepared step felt too cold on the back of my feet. I decided to stand simply on the tatami.

People prepared for the séance lively in the morning, giving the true atmosphere of new year. I did a trial performance longer than promised 5 minutes and made the demonstration performers wait.

I went back home for once…

And I came back and arrived at the dojo around 5 o'clock. People in Katsugen-Kai were finishing their exercise by synchronized breathing.

I slipped into my "green room". Quite a relief that the room got warmed up enough. I wait here so long until I am called. The green room should be comfortable for waiting and changing clothes. I checked the records on the wooden shelves, which reminded me of those from my childhood. They were so similar to my family's in old days, and made me very nostalgic.

People finished the Katsugen exercise and they were enjoying tea upstairs. Their chatting sounded like birds humming to my ears; their voices full of energy. It's nutrition to my heart.

Master Roy called me and I was introduced to the people. When he talked about my family…who were not present there… I had a mixed feeling because of their absence. I was angry actually although I knew they had reasons for not coming.

Anyway, I started playing.

Solo sonata of Bach no.3. It's awfully difficult at the start. After I manage to pass the first seconds without making an error, it's like "phew… what a heck! I can play the music from now on". Would you understand my feeling?

I wholeheartedly admire Counterpoint and Harmony of Bach. He creates the cosmos from Fuga of a single violin. Bach was all alone in a small church in Köthen when he created all those pieces of music. I appreciate the cosmos in his brain, it contained intelligence, philosophy, playful mind… everything was there.

After that, I played the most beautiful "Largo". In school days, I tended to play Bach sternly. His rigorous face made me presume that I should play his music precisely, not playfully. My beloved professor Mr. Toshiya Eto taught me "Bach is the compose of melody".

Just like many of his teachings, I understand what he meant after 20-30 years have passed since then.

I finished my performance with rhythmical "Allegro Assai".

After I finished…

Then what?

I played "Gavotte" as an encore.

The applause continued.

I played "Andante" which I had not played these days.

Again and again…

I was stupid to think that I should stop playing because it's a concert after all…!

I should not have thought about the length of concert. When Master Noguchi, the founder of Noguchi Seitai and Katsugen exercise first started moving his body, he could not stop it for 3 days. I was in the heart of that movement. Time doesn't have meaning there.

I was not prepared to play many pieces, but I regret that I stopped playing. I could have played phrases after phrases that occurred to my mind.

Why not continue and finish the concert as we want? That would be a nice ending.

The feeling that I had during playing, it's about the persistent tension in my shoulders. To say nothing of the first thoracic vertebra, and the upper side of my bust is always stiff. A reason is that I don't use a "bridge", the shoulder rest made of wood or metal. Without it, the violin tends to drag down. Violinists in old times didn't use it, and I was taught not to use it. However, my students these days use it from the beginning. It's such a hustle to tell them "take it off". It is like ordering old people to eat without dentures.

We change the way we use the body every year. I think it's normal.

Especially instrument players must change it in order to continue playing. We are not a conductor with a baton.

Big legendary players know very well how to use their energy and loosen the tension. A pianist who moves his body up and down pushes his body upwards and uses his legs. A player who twists his body sets his feet firmly on the floor.

I was honored to have the "greatest audience" for the first Katsugen-Kai of new year. They might be amateurs of music, but with the power of concentration and playful minds. I realized my "music" and "Katsugen" world became united as one, and I was also surprised that my violin was not dangling down my shoulder.

Without any loosing of the tension, concentration can not exist.

After yawning with no hesitation, when Katsugen resets my mind and body to zero, I get the power to move forward. "OK, let's go!"

I felt my tangled mind and stiff body were loosened and released from stress.

Thank you so much!!

in Brussels, January 2013
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